Rānui Kai Hub & Food Support
Every Wednesday morning for over 4 years now, Richard and his team of volunteers have been diligently working to provide healthy kai for our whānau in Rānui. Our food parcels are a combination of donated food and vegetables grown in our very own māra kai, so whānau can do get the complete garden-to-table experience.
With food prices sky-rocketing due to unprecedented inflation, demand at our Rānui Kai Hub continue to grow weekly. We work closely with our kai providers and volunteers to make sure everyone standing in line receives some form of kai support.
This service is tailored for Rānui-Henderson residents, and we do not accept online registrations. Come to our Rānui office house before 9:30am and register for a kai parcel.
A special thank you to KiwiHarvest and Fair Food for their continued support in helping us provide for our Rānui whānau.
If you would like more information about our Kai Hub, please contact our Operations Administrator Ani Wood: accounts@twp.org.nz